These are our terms of service

This website is made available to you by:

Bravekin Global GmbH
Norderneyer Str. 23a
26632 Ihlow

Managing Directors:
Dr. Christian Jansen, Tobias Rehermann


Phone: +49 4929 - 2179809

Whenever you use our website you agree to these terms. If you use this website on behalf of a business, that business agrees to these terms.

Please note

Do not copy our website texts. To use our content or anything else that’s protected by copyright you’ll need to get permission (just contact us).


Be nice to people and don’t post anything offensive or obscene. Don’t get us sued by defaming third parties.

We can review, remove or decide not to display your comment. And, if it breaks any laws, we can refer it to the police and other authorities. We can use your comment worldwide in any medium for as long as we want.
